Give to Bryn Mawr Hospital Foundation

Bryn Mawr Hospital Foundation
Since its founding in 1893, Bryn Mawr Hospital has been sustained by the generosity and good stewardship of the community it serves. Philanthropy is more than a proud tradition. The gifts of friends and grateful patients fund many core programs and services that patient revenue alone cannot support.
Committed to a superior donor experience, the Bryn Mawr Hospital Foundation is the tax-exempt, charitable organization that solicits, accepts, records, acknowledges and stewards all donations to Bryn Mawr Hospital. Sustaining (annual) gifts, the foundation of our fundraising initiatives, are put to immediate use in support of our highest priority needs. Major investments in new facilities, advanced technology and other specific projects are visions that capital campaigns turn into reality. Deferred (planned) gifts give donors the opportunity to leave a legacy that will sustain Bryn Mawr Hospital well into the future.